Posts Tagged ‘Surrender all to JESUS’

Forgiveness – God’s strength in our weakness

April 29, 2009

Darrell Scott speaks of the Columbine School Shootings on April 20, 1999 that took the life of his precious daughter, Rachel.  He speaks of the forgiveness God gave to him to be able to let go of his anger toward Eric and Dylan who took her life.  He testifies of God’s faithfulness in helping his son Craig to forgive and heal by the power of God.  Craig was in the library when his friends were killed all around him.  He struggled for a year with his anger, fear and trauma.  After Rachel’s passing, Darrell found an essay she wrote on ‘My Ethics and Codes of Life’ listing compassion and forgiveness as foundational in her life. Through the testimony of her faith in God, Rachel helped her family to be strengthen in their faith and trust in God as well, which helped them to forgiveness and to go on with their lives through this terrible tragedy.


Jesus becomes all we need

April 26, 2009

This Bible study was shot on the Sea of Galilee in Israel by Pastor John who shares verses from the Bible that remind us that we have a refuge in Christ and that He will become all we need as we come to Him in faith and ask Him for His help. There is no sin that we struggle with that God can not deliver us from if we will come to Christ in faith and believe that He is and He is a rewarder of all who diligently seek Him, and ask Him for His help. This takes humility of heart and a willingness to surrender our own will to God’s. Be blessed as Pastor John opens up God’s word to give us fresh insight and encouragement in our walks with Jesus. Blessings and love to you in Christ.


April 14, 2009

Part 4 of 22- Chapter 5:16 through Chapter 7:6

  • The Apostles perform many miraculous signs
  • The Apostles are arrested by the Religious leaders
  • An angel of the Lord rescues them from jail
  • They are warned not to preach the Gospel
  • Peter says they must obey God rather than human authority
  • Peter shares the Gospel message with the high council
  • Gamaliel tells Religious leaders to leave the disciples alone as if what they’re doing is from God no one will be able to stop them, but if what they’re doing is not of God it will not be successful
  • Seven men, well respected and full of the Holy Spirit are chosen to serve the people in the church
  • The number of believers in Jerusalem increased including many Jewish priests
  • Stephen is arrested because of false testimony against him
  • Stephen’s face becomes bright as an angel’s as he stands before the high council and shares the Gospel message


The Visual Bible – Acts 2:11-3:17

April 14, 2009

Part 2 of 22 – Acts Chapter 2:11 through Chapter 3:17

  • The Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost
  • People from many different languages hear believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit speaking of the wonderful things God has done in their own languages
  • Peter testifies that the prophesy from Joel 2:28-32 has been fulfilled in their presence
  • Peter speaks boldly to the crowds about the prophesies about Jesus and how He fulfilled them all
  • Peter tells them to repent of their sin and turn to Jesus, their Messiah, to find forgiveness and to receive the Holy Spirit
  • A deep sense of awe came over them all and the Apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders
  • The Lord added to the group of believers, the first Church, those who were being saved
  • Peter and John went to the Temple to pray and healed the lame man who begged at the Beautiful Gate
  • Peter then preaches the Gospel message to all who were in awe and wonder over this miraculous healing
  • Peter gives glory to God for all God does through him to heal and deliver the people in the name of Jesus

Jeroboam: Worship of Convenience

April 1, 2009

This video lesson was shot on location in Dan Nature Park in Israel.

God’s prescribed manner of worship was inconvenient. Today the character of worship in America is convenience. If I can’t find a parking space right in front of the church, I’ll probably go someplace else. That’s not God’s way of worship. Jeroboam lowered God’s standards. He directly disobeyed the rules God had set down for worship. There was a Biblical illiteracy in Israel just as there is today in America. Christ was God’s perfect sacrifice. God’s worship is centered on Jesus and his payment for our sins. God no longer sees our sins–only Christ’s sacrifice.

Hebrews 9:11-15, 23-28; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Kings 12

Dr. John Barnett
Discover The Book Ministries



Something Beautiful ~

February 6, 2009

LIKE OUR KING: ‘Be’ Attitudes

January 26, 2009

          LIKE OUR KING by David Guzik
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. vs. 5:9.

The Beatitudes begin the famous Sermon on the Mount recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. These 8 statements of blessing describe for us the character of true citizens of the Kingdom Jesus preached – the Kingdom of His reign.

So far we have seen that when Jesus is King in our life there will be:

Poverty of spirit, recognizing our need for God vs. 5:3

Mourning over our sinful condition and that of this lost world vs. 5:4

A meek, gentle attitude that trusts God more than self vs. 5:5

Hunger and thirst after righteousness, both received from God and 

  seen in our life vs. 5:6

Mercy to others, remembering mercy received vs. 5:7

Purity of heart, leading to greater relationship with God vs.5:8

Next Jesus announced a blessing, describing another aspect of being a citizen of His kingdom: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” 


This does not describe those who live in peace, but those who actually bring about peace, overcoming evil with good.  One way we accomplish this is through spreading the Good News of what Jesus did for mankind at the cross, because God has entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor. 5:18.  In evangelism we make peace between people and the God whom they have rejected and offended.


This blessing for making peace comes after the blessing for purity.  This is the order of spiritual life:  first purity, then peace.  It isn’t making peace with sin or evil; the citizen of Jesus’ kingdom sets their face against all that goes against God and His purity.  Yet once this is received through faith, then peace grows forth. 


We commonly think of this peacemaking work as being the job of one person who stands between two fighting parties.  This may be one way this is fulfilled; but one can also end a conflict and be a peacemaker when they are party to a conflict; when they are the injured or the offended party.  It is the attitude that says, “I have been hurt and offended.  But I chose to forgive and forget, thereby making peace.”  This is very much consistent with the heart of God.  After all, it is the devil who stirs up trouble and hatred between men.  In contrast, God loves reconciliation and longs to make peace. 


Notice the reward fo rthe peacemakers:  “For they shall be called sons of God.”  Their reward is that they are recognized as true children of God.  They share His passion for peace and reconciliation, the breaking down of walls between people. 


Indeed, God does bless the peacemakers; though people may treat them badly, they are blessed by God.  They are blessed to be among the children of God, adopted into His family, surrounded by brothers and sisters through the ages. 


For the most part being a peacemaker is a thankless job, at least among men.  To take the iniative to reconcile or to bring two parties in conflict may be quite unappreciated.  Yet in Jesus’ kingdom we do this for God’s sake, not for the applause of man.  Perhaps unappreciated by man, God welcomes them as sons and daughters. 


If anyone knew that blessedness of the peacemaker, it was Jesus Himself.  He set Himself between two un-reconciled parties, and in doing so was afflicted by both sides.  Think of Jesus on the cross: afflicted by man, who beat Him, nailed Him there, and mocked Him; and afflicted by God the Father Himself, Who put upon Him the guilt and judgment our sin deserved.  Yet in enduring this suffering from both sides, Jesus made peace between man and God. 


King Jesus was the greatest peacemaker ever; no wonder that the citizens of His kingdom who also make peace shall also “be called sons of God.”  It’s worth thinking about:  Where does God want me to make peace today?  There is a blessing in it for you.

My Redeemer Lives!

January 18, 2009

Faith Without Works ~ My Deliverer Is Coming! ~ Brother’s Keeper ~ Hold me Jesus ~

January 17, 2009

Rich Mullins


Seize the Day ~ Reaching

January 16, 2009

Carolyn Arends