Archive for the ‘Pro-Vida – Prop 4’ Category

Local Prop 8 Rally – Newspaper Article

October 23, 2008
A youth missionary group from Hillside Christian Church form a prayer circle as Ally Rogers, 18, rallies on the corner of Jefferson and Lincoln streets for Proposition 8, a measure to ban gay marriage

A youth missionary group from Hillside Christian Church form a prayer circle as Ally Rogers, 18, rallies on the corner of Jefferson and Lincoln streets for Proposition 8, a measure to ban gay marriage

Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008 – Napa Valley Register Local News

By KERANA TODOROV – Register Staff Writer


With the November elections around the corner, activist on both sides of the same-sex marriage issue rallied in Napa Saturday.


Supporters and opponents of Prop. 8 — a measure that would prohibit same-sex couples to marry — stopped by the Lincoln Avenue and Jefferson Street intersection Saturday to weigh on the statewide measure. Prop. 8 supporters received permission from the Napa Valley Unified School District to have the rally on a grassy corner on district property, walking distance from NVUSD’s administration offices.


Organizers estimated between 150 and 200 people came throughout the afternoon to lend support to Prop. 8 and Prop. 4 — a law that would require doctors to notify a parent of a minor who wants an abortion.


Carol Whichard, who organized the “No on Prop 8” rally, said about 100 Napans came to the counter protest held on the sidewalk — off district property.


While Prop. 8 proponents said they only want to make sure that marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman, opponents at the rally said Prop. 8 is discriminatory, unconstitutional and the arguments misleading.


Debbie Dornaus, who organized the pro Prop. 8 rally with members from a dozen Napa churches, said church members need to take a stand for what they believe in.


“It’s time for us not to be afraid anymore,” the businesswoman said.

Monica Sanchez, a pastor at the Church of the Nazarene, said she supports Prop. 4 because of her faith and because she wants to remain involved in her daughters’ lives. 

As he held a pro-Prop. 8 sign, Bill Johnson, a Mormon church member, said that he feels like “marriage should stay between a man and a woman.” 

But after the rally, Josie Jenkins of Napa, said domestic partnership simply does not grant the same equal rights as legal marriage. 

And people agree with us,” she said. 

“We need to have equality,” said counter-protester Elizabeth Campbell-Wright, as she helped carry a “Vote ‘No’ on Prop. 8” sign.  

Saturday’s pro Prop. 8 and Prop. 4 speakers included Eduardo Verastegui, the Los Angeles-based Mexican movie star of “Bella,” an award-winning 2007 film that tells the story of a young woman facing a pregnancy crisis. 

Verastegui was in Napa for a book signing of “Behind Bella: The Amazing Stories of ‘Bella’ and the Lives it’s Changed,” a book on the real-life experiences of the people involved in the film. 

Whichard organized the counter-rally after she learned that the Prop. 8 supporters had received permission to rally on district property. 

That angered her, she said.

Having the rally on district property will increase the likelihood of accepting the view from the “Yes on 8” campaign that schools will promote gay marriage, the counter-rally flyer said. 

NVUSD Superintendent John Glaser wrote Friday in a letter to the Register that the district did approve the use of the front lawn under the State Education Code. 

“It is the District’s practice to allow such groups the same after-school access to school facilities as is given to other community organizations for similar purposes,” Glaser wrote. 

“By providing access to the facilities for these purposes, the District does not express support or opposition to the views of the groups using the facilities.  The District remains neutral on Proposition 8 and on all other ballot initiatives during this election season,” Glaser wrote.

Teen Abortion? – Parent’s Right to Know – Pro-Prop 4

October 18, 2008

Teen Girls speak in favor of Prop 4

Governor Schwarzenegger supports Prop 4


In California, a girl under age 18 can’t get a tan at a tanning salon, a cavity filled, or an aspirin dispensed by the school nurse without a parent knowing. But a doctor can perform a surgical or chemical abortion on a young girl without informing a parent.


Proposition 4 will require a doctor to notify at least one adult family member before performing an abortion on an under-18-year-old girl.


Medical professionals know that a young person is safer when a parent or family member is informed of her medical situation. Someone who knows the girl and cares about her future can help her understand all her options, obtain competent care, and work through the problems that led her into the situation to begin with.


On a daily basis, older men exploit young girls and use secret abortions to cover up their crimes. More than thirty states currently have parental/family involvement laws like Proposition 4 in effect. States which have laws like Proposition 4 have experienced real reductions in pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among young girls.

Nuestras vidas son un regalo de Dios – Eduardo Verástegui

October 18, 2008

Eduardo Verastegui comparte su testimonio acerca del verdadero exito en la vida

La conversión de Eduardo Verástegui , luego de alcanzar el exito y la fama , Eduardo descubre que si alo ojos del mundo lo tenía todo muy dentro de su corazon sabía que no tenia nada. El conocer a Dios es la unica experiencia que vale la pena vivir.

Verástegui, de 33 años de edad, saboreó la fama a temprana edad y en los últimos años logró un sitio en Hollywood. Su más reciente película “Bella” cosecha las críticas más positivas.

El actor confiesa que por mucho tiempo buscó la felicidad en la fama y el éxito pero al cabo de varios años de perseguir este sueño se dio cuenta que estaba “vacío”.

“En mi búsqueda por saber qué había más allá de todo este vacío, empecé a cuestionarme las grandes preguntas que todo el mundo se hace alguna vez en la vida: ¿Qué hago en este universo?, ¿de dónde vengo?, ¿a dónde voy?, ¿qué sentido tiene todo esto?… y en esta búsqueda empecé a frecuentar otro tipo de gente, otro tipo de ambiente”.

“Me di cuenta que había sido un egoísta. Que las cosas que me habían hecho avanzar como un ciego eran la vanidad y la soberbia. Vivía en una contradicción constante: quería hacer cosas buena y no las estaba haciendo”, sostiene.

Asegura que se ha hecho algunas promesas, “no volvería a hacer nada que contradijese mis principios morales y nada que malrepresentara a mi gente, a los latinos, ni en el cine, ni en la televisión ni en ningún medio”, dice Verástegui.

El actor recuerda que sus padres sufrieron mucho cuando dejó los estudios por la actuación y comenzó a tener una vida licenciosa, cansada de no ser escuchada, su madre se dedicó a rezar por él.

“Creo que las oraciones de mi madre han tenido mucho que ver en todo esto, Ya sabes lo que se dice: ‘No hay nada más poderoso que las oraciones de una madre por sus hijos’. Después de ver mi caso, estoy convencido de ello. Todo el cambio que he experimentado en mi vida, las personas nuevas que se me acercaron en mi crisis, no me cabe duda que han sido fruto de las oraciones de mi madre”, revela.

Ahora dice que está dispuesto a “vender tacos” en Tamaulipas, su pueblo natal, con tal de ser fiel a sus principios. “Si el día de mañana voy a casarme y tener hijos, que mis hijos estén orgullosos de su padre. Si voy a llevar una vida íntegra, voy a ser radical. No me gustan las medias tintas. Sea quien sea quien esté detrás del mejor proyecto, no voy a hacer nada que vaya contra mis principios porque si acepto, es venderme y volveré a acabar viviendo una mentira”, asegura.

Cuando le preguntan qué es lo que más ha aprendido de sus padres, no duda en responder: “Mi fe. Es un regalo que Dios me dio a través de ellos”.

La conversión de Eduardo Verástegui , luego de alcanzar el exito y la fama , Eduardo descubre que si a los ojos del mundo lo tenía todo muy dentro de su corazon sabía que no tenia nada. El conocer a Dios es la unica experiencia que vale la pena vivir.

Celebration of Life – Eduardo Verastegui (Bella)

October 18, 2008



Teen Abortion? – Parent’s Right to Know – Prop 4

September 24, 2008

Teen Girls speak in favor of Prop 4

Governor Schwarzenegger supports Prop 4


In California, a girl under age 18 can’t get a tan at a tanning salon, a cavity filled, or an aspirin dispensed by the school nurse without a parent knowing. But a doctor can perform a surgical or chemical abortion on a young girl without informing a parent.



Proposition 4 will require a doctor to notify at least one adult family member before performing an abortion on an under-18-year-old girl.



Medical professionals know that a young person is safer when a parent or family member is informed of her medical situation. Someone who knows the girl and cares about her future can help her understand all her options, obtain competent care, and work through the problems that led her into the situation to begin with.

On a daily basis, older men exploit young girls and use secret abortions to cover up their crimes. More than thirty states currently have parental/family involvement laws like Proposition 4 in effect. States which have laws like Proposition 4 have experienced real reductions in pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among young girls.