Archive for the ‘SACRIFICE’ Category

‘Two Icons’ by Greg Laurie

July 1, 2009

Two Icons

Greg’s Blog

 June 29th, 2009 Posted in Pastor’s corner, encouragement

 As we all know, two American icons passed into eternity just last Thursday: Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.

Farrah Fawcett was once regarded as one of the world’s most beautiful women. Her hairstyle was copied by countless girls in her day, and her posters hung on many a young man’s wall.

Tragically, she contracted cancer and eventually succumbed to it. Prior to her death, when she was still trying to beat it, a TV special chronicled her fight and her hope to overcome this dreaded disease.

Unfortunately, it was not to be and Farrah Fawcett entered eternity.

Although many knew Farrah was fighting cancer and might die soon, the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson was a shock to many. Now, as more comes out about his life, it would appear that he had been on a downward spiral for  months, even years.

Jackson had unprecedented success, winning 13 Grammy’s and selling a staggering 750 million records. But now he too has entered eternity.

I don’t know where Farrah and Michael were at spiritually. I only hope they put their faith in Christ.


A man enters eternity

On the same day that this news was breaking, I was called to visit a man on his deathbed. He knew he had cancer and that he only had days to live.

We talked about eternity and though he claimed to have faith, we went over God’s glorious plan of salvation and prayed as he committed his life to Jesus Christ.

I told him that I would visit him again on Saturday, but he did not make it. He ended up passing into eternity, into the arms of the Lord, only hours later.

I am so glad I went to visit him. Thursday was an extremely busy day and I had considered waiting to go until Saturday, but I felt prompted by the Lord to go that day.


We need to help people get ready for eternity

That is why we all need to share the gospel. Because we never know when life on this earth will end.

If you know someone who is not yet a believer, go tell them today how to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, the living Lord. Because everyone dies.

Elvis Presley, the King of Rock, is dead.

James Brown, the King of Soul, is dead.

Kurt Cobain, the King of Grunge, is dead.

And now Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is dead.

But Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, is alive forevermore. Let’s tell people that, so they too can live forever.

Jesus said, “I am he who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death” (Revelation 1:18 NKJV).

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Helen Merrihew:
July 1st, 2009 at 8:58 am

Pastor Greg;
Thank you for this reminder that we once were without hope in this world, too and someone prayed for us, someone took time out of their busy day to come speak to us about Jesus Christ and eternity and sin and death –
Someone took the risk being rejected, being misjudged, being mistreated in reaching out to us in our ignorance and sin – all because they cared –


Someone went out of their way to obey Jesus and the result was that you and i are saved from our sin and have the hope of Heaven with our Savior and an abiding relationship with Him today.


We are saved for our King Jesus – We are His and His will is ours –

Thanks for reminding us that this world is not our home and there’s work to do while we’re here.


May we keep-on keeping-on serving our Jesus,


April 14, 2009

Part 4 of 22- Chapter 5:16 through Chapter 7:6

  • The Apostles perform many miraculous signs
  • The Apostles are arrested by the Religious leaders
  • An angel of the Lord rescues them from jail
  • They are warned not to preach the Gospel
  • Peter says they must obey God rather than human authority
  • Peter shares the Gospel message with the high council
  • Gamaliel tells Religious leaders to leave the disciples alone as if what they’re doing is from God no one will be able to stop them, but if what they’re doing is not of God it will not be successful
  • Seven men, well respected and full of the Holy Spirit are chosen to serve the people in the church
  • The number of believers in Jerusalem increased including many Jewish priests
  • Stephen is arrested because of false testimony against him
  • Stephen’s face becomes bright as an angel’s as he stands before the high council and shares the Gospel message


The Visual Bible – Acts 2:11-3:17

April 14, 2009

Part 2 of 22 – Acts Chapter 2:11 through Chapter 3:17

  • The Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost
  • People from many different languages hear believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit speaking of the wonderful things God has done in their own languages
  • Peter testifies that the prophesy from Joel 2:28-32 has been fulfilled in their presence
  • Peter speaks boldly to the crowds about the prophesies about Jesus and how He fulfilled them all
  • Peter tells them to repent of their sin and turn to Jesus, their Messiah, to find forgiveness and to receive the Holy Spirit
  • A deep sense of awe came over them all and the Apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders
  • The Lord added to the group of believers, the first Church, those who were being saved
  • Peter and John went to the Temple to pray and healed the lame man who begged at the Beautiful Gate
  • Peter then preaches the Gospel message to all who were in awe and wonder over this miraculous healing
  • Peter gives glory to God for all God does through him to heal and deliver the people in the name of Jesus

The Visual Bible – Acts 1:1 to 2:10

April 14, 2009

The Visual Bible – ACTS – (part 1 of 22)

“The only dramatization using the actual Scriptures . . . word for word from the International Version Bible”

Part 1 = Chapter 1:1 through Chapter 2:10



To give an accurate account of the birth and growth of the Christian chruch



Luke, a Gentile physician or medical doctor who traveled with Apostle Paul



Theophilus and all lovers of God



Between A.D. 63 and 70



Acts is the connecting link between Christ’s life and the life of the church, between the Gospels and the Letters



Acts 1:8 – “But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about Me (Jesus) everywhere – in Jerusalem [in your home town], throughout Judea [the areas outside your home town], in Samaria [those places no one wants to live or associate with the people who live there], and to the ends of the earth [those places that are very, very far away from the comforts of your home town, where you will need to live among the people and really get to know them, as a missionary teaching them about Jesus].



Peter, John, James, Stephen, Philip, Paul, Barnabas, Cornelius, James (Jesus’ half brother, Timothy, Lydia, Silas, Titus, Apollos, Agabus, Ananias, Felix, Festus, Agrippa, Luke



Jerusalem, Samaria, Lydda, Joppa, Antioch, Cyprus, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Caesarea, Malta, Rome



Acts is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke.

Because Acts ends so abruptly, Luke may have planned to write a third book, continuing the story.


“With a flick of a match, friction occurs and a spark leaps from match to tinder.  As small flame burns the edges and grows, fueled by wood and air.  Heat builds, and soon the kindling is licked by reddish orange tongues.  Higher and wider it spreads, consuming the wood.  The flame has become a fire.


Over 2,000 years ago, a match was struck in Palestine.  At first, just a few in that corner of the world were touched and warmed; but the fire spread beyond Jerusalem and Judea out to the world and to all people.  Acts provides an eyewitness account of the flame and fire – the birth and spread of the Church.  Beginning in Jerusalem with a small group of disciples, the message traveled across the Roman Empire.  Empowered by the Holy Spirit, this courageous band preached, taught, healed, and demonstrated love in synagogues, schools, homes, marketplaces, and courtrooms, and on streets, hills, ships, and desert roads – wherever God sent them, lives and history were changed.


Written by Luke as a sequel to his Gospel, Acts is an accurate historical record of the early Church.  But Acts is also a theological book, with lessons and living examples of the work of the Holy Spirit, Church relationships and organization, the implications of grace, and the law of love.  And Acts is an apologetic work, building a strong case for the validity of Christ’s claims and promises.


The book of Acts begins with the outpouring of the promised Holy Spirit and the commencement of the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Spirit-inspired evangelism began in Jerusalem and eventually spread to Rome, covering most of the Roman Empire.  The Gospel first went to the Jews, but they, as a nation, rejected it.  A remnant of Jews, of course, gladly received the Good News.  But the continual rejection of the Gospel by the vast majority of the Jews led to the ever-increasing proclamation of the Gospel to the Gentiles.  This was according to Jesus’ plan:  The Gospel was to go from Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).  This, in fact, is the pattern that the Acts narrative follows.  The glorious proclamation began in Jerusalem (chapter 1 – 7), went to Judea and Samaria (chapters 8 and following), and to the countries beyond Judea (11:19; 13:4 and on to the end of Acts).  The second half of Acts is focused primarily on Paul’s missionary journeys to many countries north of the Mediterranean Sea.  He, with his companions, took the Gospel first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles.  Some of the Jews believed, and many of the Gentiles received the Good News with joy.  New churches were started, and new believers began to grow in the Christian life. 

As you read and watch this dramatization of the Book of acts, put yourself in the place of the disciples:  Identify with them as they are filled with the Holy Spirit, and experience the thrill of seeing thousands respond to the Gospel message.  Sense their commitment as they give every ounce of talent and treasure to Christ.  And as you read and watch, see the Spirit-led boldness of these 1st Century believers, who through suffering, and in the face of death, take every opportunity to tell of their crucified and risen Lord.  Then decide yourself to be a 21st Century version of those men and women of God.”   Life Application Bible


Jeroboam: Worship of Convenience

April 1, 2009

This video lesson was shot on location in Dan Nature Park in Israel.

God’s prescribed manner of worship was inconvenient. Today the character of worship in America is convenience. If I can’t find a parking space right in front of the church, I’ll probably go someplace else. That’s not God’s way of worship. Jeroboam lowered God’s standards. He directly disobeyed the rules God had set down for worship. There was a Biblical illiteracy in Israel just as there is today in America. Christ was God’s perfect sacrifice. God’s worship is centered on Jesus and his payment for our sins. God no longer sees our sins–only Christ’s sacrifice.

Hebrews 9:11-15, 23-28; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Kings 12

Dr. John Barnett
Discover The Book Ministries



LIKE OUR KING: ‘Be’ Attitudes

January 26, 2009

          LIKE OUR KING by David Guzik
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. vs. 5:9.

The Beatitudes begin the famous Sermon on the Mount recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. These 8 statements of blessing describe for us the character of true citizens of the Kingdom Jesus preached – the Kingdom of His reign.

So far we have seen that when Jesus is King in our life there will be:

Poverty of spirit, recognizing our need for God vs. 5:3

Mourning over our sinful condition and that of this lost world vs. 5:4

A meek, gentle attitude that trusts God more than self vs. 5:5

Hunger and thirst after righteousness, both received from God and 

  seen in our life vs. 5:6

Mercy to others, remembering mercy received vs. 5:7

Purity of heart, leading to greater relationship with God vs.5:8

Next Jesus announced a blessing, describing another aspect of being a citizen of His kingdom: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” 


This does not describe those who live in peace, but those who actually bring about peace, overcoming evil with good.  One way we accomplish this is through spreading the Good News of what Jesus did for mankind at the cross, because God has entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor. 5:18.  In evangelism we make peace between people and the God whom they have rejected and offended.


This blessing for making peace comes after the blessing for purity.  This is the order of spiritual life:  first purity, then peace.  It isn’t making peace with sin or evil; the citizen of Jesus’ kingdom sets their face against all that goes against God and His purity.  Yet once this is received through faith, then peace grows forth. 


We commonly think of this peacemaking work as being the job of one person who stands between two fighting parties.  This may be one way this is fulfilled; but one can also end a conflict and be a peacemaker when they are party to a conflict; when they are the injured or the offended party.  It is the attitude that says, “I have been hurt and offended.  But I chose to forgive and forget, thereby making peace.”  This is very much consistent with the heart of God.  After all, it is the devil who stirs up trouble and hatred between men.  In contrast, God loves reconciliation and longs to make peace. 


Notice the reward fo rthe peacemakers:  “For they shall be called sons of God.”  Their reward is that they are recognized as true children of God.  They share His passion for peace and reconciliation, the breaking down of walls between people. 


Indeed, God does bless the peacemakers; though people may treat them badly, they are blessed by God.  They are blessed to be among the children of God, adopted into His family, surrounded by brothers and sisters through the ages. 


For the most part being a peacemaker is a thankless job, at least among men.  To take the iniative to reconcile or to bring two parties in conflict may be quite unappreciated.  Yet in Jesus’ kingdom we do this for God’s sake, not for the applause of man.  Perhaps unappreciated by man, God welcomes them as sons and daughters. 


If anyone knew that blessedness of the peacemaker, it was Jesus Himself.  He set Himself between two un-reconciled parties, and in doing so was afflicted by both sides.  Think of Jesus on the cross: afflicted by man, who beat Him, nailed Him there, and mocked Him; and afflicted by God the Father Himself, Who put upon Him the guilt and judgment our sin deserved.  Yet in enduring this suffering from both sides, Jesus made peace between man and God. 


King Jesus was the greatest peacemaker ever; no wonder that the citizens of His kingdom who also make peace shall also “be called sons of God.”  It’s worth thinking about:  Where does God want me to make peace today?  There is a blessing in it for you.

Barabbas ~ Eternity ~ Afloat by Caleb and Sol Rexius

December 18, 2008


Barabbas written by Solomon Rexius 

“There was once an evil man. He was an insurrectionist, a rebel, a murderer, and a notorious prisoner. This day, however, he would face justice. He had committed crimes worthy of death, and now he was going to be a victim of crucifixion—one of the most vicious forms of capital punishment known to mankind. Death on a cross was only for the worst of criminals.
Partly due to the cold night, yet mostly due to inexpressible fear, Barabbas shivered uncontrollably as he lay face down in his prison cell. He was in utter despair. No hope. No defense. No answers.Barabbas had heard of this man, although some even called Him the Son of God. Supposedly, this Jesus was a worker of miracles, and He even claimed to be God in the flesh. One of Barabbas’ old followers had joined this “Christ” group a couple years back.But he had known Jesus and His followers to be rather peaceful. Why would there be such violent shouting now? As a painful reminder of his own impending doom, he could vaguely hear the crowd shouting, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”

Still gripped with trepidation and terror, Barabbas heard something that made his stomach twist and his heart stop: shaking keys – the sound of justice. The very next moment, his cell door was swung open and the soldier yelled at him to leave immediately.

But Barabbas couldn’t move.
“Come on, you criminal, get out of here. You’re free.” But his own guilt wouldn’t allow him to believe it. “They’re going to kill Jesus of Nazareth in your place.”

With a thousand questions racing through his mind, Barabbas quickly lifted himself to his feet and hastily walked out of the prison and into the streets of Jerusalem.

A guilty man set free on account of another. Is that justice?”

Written and spoken by Sol Rexius, “Barabbas” is a unique and powerful deliverance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Video Production by Caleb Rexius. Audio Production by Jesiah.

Their group is called ‘The Oak’

Booking/Contact – 1 (541) 521-1002

Caleb Rexius –

Solomon Rexius –









In the distance he could hear people shouting; chanting, even. He thought he heard his own name mixed in with the barrage of yells and screams. But there was one name he heard without mistake: “Jesus”.


Set Free in Christ! ~ Sin Separated as Far as the East is From the West

December 11, 2008

Psalm 146:1-10

Praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD, O my soul.

I will praise the LORD all my life;

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Do not put your trust in princes,

in mortal men, who cannot save.

When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;

On that very day their plans come to nothing.

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,

whose hope is in the LORD his God,

the Maker of heaven and earth,

the sea and everything in them:

the LORD, who remains faithful forever.

He upholds the cause of the oppressed

and gives food to the hungry.

The LORD sets prisoners free,

the LORD gives sight to the blind,

the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,

the LORD loves the righteous.

The LORD watches over the alien

and sustains the fatherless and the widow,

but He frustrates the ways of the wicked.

The LORD reigns forever,

your God, O Zion, for all generations.

Praise the LORD.

Psalm 103:12

“As far as the east is from the west,

so far has He [Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord] removed our transgressions from us.”

The Shame of Sexual Sin and How To Be Set Free

December 10, 2008


The way of Purity – How to break away from pornography


Setting Captives Free offers ‘The Way of Purity’ course – a 60-Day interactive course that will teach you to enjoy a newfound relationship with the Lord and how to find freedom from sexual impurity.  It is possible, and you can learn how.


Setting Captives Free is a non-denominational ministry which teaches the biblical principles of freedom in Jesus Christ. Founder and President, Mike Cleveland, was captive to habitual sins for many years. He finally began to seek help and learned the Biblical solution to his sin problem: repentance, forgiveness, and the newness of life that comes through the gospel. In January, 1999, Mike found forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ and God changed his heart. Since that time, he has been completely free from all forms of habitual sin, by God’s grace.


The following year after Mike found freedom, he wrote an interactive course to teach the biblical principles of freedom in Christ. He placed the course on the Internet, and more than 800 people visited the website that first day.

Since that time, God has brought many men and women to freedom and victory through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of Scripture. A mentorship program was developed to teach these freed captives how to help free other captives, by God’s grace. Focus Publishing soon began publishing the material in book format.

In the years to follow, many miracles of grace have been recounted, for God has been at work giving grace to those in the grip of sin, turning them from sin and to Christ. To date, nearly a quarter of a million people have gone through the biblical material either online or in book form. God continues to purify His church and free captives, to bring honor and glory to Himself.


Mike is pastor of preaching and vision at Ohio Valley Church. He is also an airline pilot with Continental Airlines and he and his wife, Jody, have six children. Mike has written seven books, is the speaker on “Setting Captives Free Radio,” and is currently working on the “Olford Fellowship Program” at the Stephen Olford Center for Expository Preaching.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; Isaiah 61:1


No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful: He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.    1 Corinthians 10:13


Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.”  For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempted anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away an enticed.  Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.  Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers.  James 1:12-16



Satan wants to undermine our faith by using various deceptive schemes to entice us to sin, sowing within us the seeds of doubt, unbelief and rebellion.  Tow of his very powerful temptations were those of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, in which he achieved his purposes, and of Jesus in the wilderness, in which he failed.  These two instances who that Satan’s favorite device is to tamper with the word of God. The Bible encourages Christians to stand firm in the faith and to watch out for temptation. God promises to help us resist temptation, and He assures us that He will not allow temptation beyond what we can endure.  As our compassionate and sympathetic High Priest, Jesus, who has experienced human temptation, is ready to bring our prayers for strength in times of temptation before the Father.   Temptation must not be confused with God’s testing of our faith as a way of strengthening it, for God never entices us to sin against Him.



While Satan attempts to undermine our faith and entice us to sin, God at times tests our faith to strengthen it.  The Bible cites various examples of such testing.  This testing may, and often does, involve pain and suffering, but God wants us to reach out to Him and trust that His working for our good. As comparisons of 2 Daniel 24:1 with 1 Chronicles 21:1 and Job 1:6-12 and Job 23:10 indicate, it is often difficult to tell whether the trials we experience are from Satan.  Be that as it may, the Bible makes it plain that Satan and evil are under the control of God.


God tests our faith: Genesis 22:1,12 – Abraham with obedience to God by the offering of his precious son Isaac to God on the altar – to show that he feared God.


Deuteronomy 8:1-2 God tested the Israelites and told them, “Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers.  Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands.”



Genesis 50:20 – Joseph forgives his brothers who sold him into slavery – “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.


The Glory Of God by Leonard Ravenhill

December 4, 2008


Moses said to the LORD, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but You have not let me know whom You will send with me.  You have said, ‘I know you by name and You have found favor with me.’   If You are pleased with me, teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You.  Remember that this nation is Your people.”


The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ 


Then Moses said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.  How will anyone know that You are pleased with me and with Your people unless You go with us?  What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people on the face of the earthy?’


And the LORD said to Moses, ‘I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.’ 


Then Moses said, ‘Now show me Your glory.’ 


And the LORD said, ‘I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My name, the LORD, in your presence, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. …’

Exodus 33: 12-19


Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with Moses and proclaimed His name, the LORD.  And He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.  Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished:  He punishes the children and their children for the sin of the father s to the third and fourth generation.”


Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.  O Lord, if I have found favor in Your eyes,’ he said, ‘then let the Lord go with us.  Although this is a still-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as Your inheritance.”


Then the LORD said, ‘I am making a covenant with you.  Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world.  The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you.  Obey what I command you today. …  Exodus 34: 5-11a